Thursday, February 06, 2020

[ Gondavali Shri Sadguru Bramhachaitanya Maharaj Gondavalekar's Jayanthi (Birthday) today 6th Feb,2020 ]

Sri.K.V.Belsare in his book 'The Saint of Gondavali' has mentioned that Gondavali Shri Bramhachaitanya was born on Wednesday, February 10, 1884 A.D at Sunrise.

My father S. Krishna Rao and mother Gundamma lived close to a textile mill (Minerva Mill Ltd)where he was employed. My grandfather S. Thimapaiahwho was an employee of Mysore Maharaja. My father had built 8 houses in 2 units of 4 houses each all in a huge compound which had a Cowshed, Vegetable and flower garden with a small playground.

Few people who were touring as sadhu used to visit our houses and my mother would donate whatever they would accept and one such sadhu who was a disciple of Gondavali Bramhachaitanya Maharaj used to visit our house whenever he visited Bangalore.

My mother had lost her first child a son, and the next baby was a girl, yet a next born baby was a girl. As usual, like all mother's my mother was wishful of a boy to be born when she was expecting her next baby. It was doing this period the sadhu from Gondavali visited our home. My mother requested the sadhu to bless her a boy to be born as she was expecting a baby. The Sadhu, it seems told her smilingly that her, that he will bless her as such if she promised to keep the name of her son to be born as 'Ganapathi' which was the name of his Guru Shri Gondavali Bramhachaitanya Maharaj's christened first name. When I was born my name was christened as 'Ganapathi'.After my birth, my mother was waiting to see the sadhu who had predicted my birth but he never visited our home again.
my mother felt different and was not sad.

My name was kept as 'GANAPATHI' and this was by adding 'Rao' in my school when I was enrolled during the British rule of the country, since the Britisher's in government  gave preference to Bramhin's in employment and they perhaps wanted to know all Brahmins as RAO and not by their caste, Hence my name became, S K Ganapathi Rao and my full name being with 'surname' is the name of our village 'Santhebachahalli' and next was my father's name, Krishna Rao. Here again, it was in his school that 'Rao' was added as usual.

This is the Picture of Shri Bramhachaitanya Maharaj.The photo I got it from my father after my mother's death.
He is my Mother's Guru and thus my family Guru and the Guru I worship. My mother wanted me to take her to Gondavali, I could not take her and she died of cancer. I went to Gondavali and kept her Photo at the mandir huge tree I hope she will excuse me.

This picture is 112 Years Old (when it was presented to Shri Maharaj.). Some devotee gave it to my mother and after her demise, my father told me to keep it and worship as did my mother.

My mother spent more than an hour in the pooja room and so long I have a pooja room I am doing the pooja to my best of my free time more than 20 minutes but few days I miss and pray to Guru Maharaj to pardon me for a short pooja.

My mother was always keeping a string of beads made from the plant of Tulasi. Her Japa was constant we would not disturb her but when we did disturb she would stop her Japa and would listen to us and solve our problems sweetly.

My mother was very popular around our house but she would never go to anybody's house even if invited. She was proud of herself and my father.both never made any debate in front of us. We 7 kids did not fight in front of my father or mother. All talk was only with my mother. To talk to father by any one of us 7 kids would be a dream come true. I had one younger brother and 5 sisters 2 elder and 3 younger. My youngest sister was born when we moved from Magadi Road to Chamaraj Pet.

My mother was very strict in all things that we did including pooja. Once a week we did Bhajan and it was to praise Lord Rama and no other God. She went to a temple only once to pray for our good health. We never got sick but one of my sister and young brother would catch a cold. When I asked my mother why it is so she said it was on account of her not keeping control of her diet during her pregnancy.

This picture is 112 years old.

I have his blessings so, I get whatever I want. I have gone to GONDAVALI more than once to take his blessings.His only advice is Keep saying "SRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM" all the day sitting, standing or walking