www.ijcrt.org © 2020 IJCRT | Volume 8, Issue 9 September 2020 | ISSN: 2320-2882
IJCRT2009076 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org 562
NANOTEXTILES1Pooja. N. Sawant, 2Abhilasha. U. Deshpande, 3Gauri. R. Suryavanshi
1,2,3Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.
Implementation of nanotechnology in various fields is drastically increasing day-by-day for gaining better and multi fuctionalized properties. The first part gives introduction of nanotechnology and related textile properties achieved by applied nanofabrication
methods. The study presents overview of recent development of nanotechnology in textile areas, including the properties of nano-sized entities and using these nano-sized materials in fabrication of smart nanotextiles and about their resultant performance. Emerging
fabrication methods and novel properties of Nanoparticles will have built up intelligent fabrics in surrounding such as self-cleaning,sensing, anti-static, flame retardant and UV protective fabric. Therefore, the article shows an overview of nanotechnology research
and development in nanotextiles ndex Terms: Nanotechnology, Nanotextiles, Electrospinning, Anti-microbial textiles, Anti-static, Nanofinishing.INTRODUCTION
The prefix ‘Nano’ is referred to a Greek prefix meaning ‘dwarf’ or something very small and depicts one thousand millionth of a meter(109m). The study of a matters and molecules on the scale of nanometer ranging between 1 to100nm.Nanoscience breakthrough in almost
every field of science and nanotechnologies make life easier in this Era.(Samer Bayda, 2020)Nanotechnology has multipurpose functions, the stain and wrinkles defiance, flame retardant, antimicrobial and autistic properties, moisture control, ultraviolet protection and release features. The nanomaterials inside the fabric could influence numerous qualities comprising reductions, electrical conductivity,flammability and strength.(Haque, 2019)Nanoscience and nanotechnology represent an expanding research area, which involves structures, devices, and systems with novel properties and functions due to the arrangement of their atoms on the 1-100nm scale.(Samer Bayda,2020)Nanotechnology based coatings are widely considered to be a new insight into finishing procedures for textiles. Nano treated materials are introduced for the purposes of surface and smart functionalization of textiles.
The use of nanotechnology in modification of conventional
textiles is rapidly growing in the world and covers a wide range of applications such as industrial, apparel and technical textiles.
Nanoparticles show many properties like antibacterial, super hydrophobic, fire retardant, self – cleaning, super hydrophilic, moth proofing,
electromagnetic shielding and electrical conductivity which give site for textile to work with it.(M. Parvinzadeh Gashti, 2016,)
Changes in application and use of materials increase gradually, this important role of nano fiber in nanotechnology. The earliest textile
developments involved the use of natural materials and synthetic fiber also such as lycre, a segmented polyurethane urea, and Kevlar, poly-
para-phenyleneterephthalamide, has ultra-high strength properties and is used in bullet proof vests.(Shirley Coyle, 2007)Today needs for
personal mobility, healthcare, or rehabilitation requires that novel function sin sensing and actuating be integrated into textiles. Which is
need of present world, and nanotextile is providing a great solution to upcoming domestic problems.DISCOVERY
Nanotechnology is defined by the extents of engineering and science where incidents happen at the size in the nanometer scale and are
exploited in plan, categorization, fabrication, material functions, and structures, systems and device.(Haque, 2019) Because, of its wide
variety Nanoparticles structures have been used by human in fourth century AD, first time by the Roman, which demonstrated one of the
most interesting examples of nanotechnology in the ancient world. The Lycurgus cup from the British Museum collection represents one of the most outstanding achievements in ancient glass industry. In1990, the scientist analyzed the cup using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to explain the phenomena of dichroism. This dichroism is because of Nanoparticles with 50-100nm in diameter.Dichroism is also seen in late medieval church windows, shining a luminous red and yellow color due to the fusion of Au and Ag
Nanoparticles into the glass.(Samer Bayda, 2020) In 1857, Michael Faraday studied how gold Nanoparticles produce different color solution under creating lighting conditions. The
American physicist and Nobel Prize laureate Richard Feynman introduce the concept of nanotechnology in 1959. During the annual meeting of the American Physical Society, Feynman presented a lecture entitled “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).(Toumey, 2008,) This new idea demonstrated that Feynman’s hypothesis has been proven correct, and for these
reasons, he is considered the father of modern nanotechnology. After fifteen years, Norio Taniguchi, a Japanese scientist was the first touse and define the term “nanotechnology” in 1974 as: “nanotechnology mainly consists of the processing of separation, consolidation, and deformation of materials by one atom or one molecule.”(Samer Bayda, 2020) English physicist William Gilbert (1544-2012) is the first scientist who produced Nanofibers via electro spinning, more than four
centuries ago.(Marcio L.F.Nascimento, 2015)Beginning with the development of the electrospinning method. In 1600, the first record of
the electrostatic attraction of a liquid was observed by William Gilbert.(Nick Tucker, 2012)Christian Friedrich Schonbein produced highly
nitrated cellulose in 1846.(Nick Tucker, 2012)In (1855-1944) Charles Vernon Boys described the process in a paper on nanofiber manufacture.(Boys, 489-499)John Francis Cooley filed the first, electro spinning patent in(Marcio L.F.N.Nanofinishing Finishing of fabrics made of natural and synthetic fibers to achieve desirable hand, surface texture, color and other special aesthetic and functional properties, has been a primary focus in textile manufacturing. In the last decade, the advent of Nanoparticles has spurred significant developments and innovations in the field of textile technology. Fabric finishing has taken new routes and demonstrated a great
potential for significant improvements in the properties of textiles by applications of Nanoparticles. A few representative applications of fabric finishing using Nanoparticles are schematically displayed in the figure.(A. P. Sawhney, 2008)
Nano particles practiced in textile finishing (HassanBS, 2019)
Finishing Nano materials used
ZnO, TiO2
Protection from UV - Improved staining and fade reduction
Nanoporous hydrocarbon, carbon black, SiO2, matrix
Moisture absorbency TiO2 Self-cleaning properties and water repellency TiO2, Fluoroacrylate, CNT, SiO2 matrix medicinal products or fragrances Montmorillonite (nano clay), SiO2 (as matrix) Antistatic and conductive Carbon nanotubes (CNT), Carbon black, Copper, Polypyrrole, Polyaniline Durability Metal oxides Al2O3, SiO2 matrix, ZnO, CNT,
Antibacterial Chitosan, Ag, SiO2 matrix, ZnO and TiO2,
Fire proofing Boroxosiloxane, CNT, Montmorillonite (nano clay),Sb3O.