Friday, July 20, 2018

[ I know it is not easy to be honest.]

I had only one aim in my mind which was that the unit I started will be a model unit among many such small and big units, perhaps our unit was the smallest, still it had made a name in short span of two years. As it was financially weak on account of poor knowledge of this giant industry to the Directors and Chairman as these persons who were too ambitious on account funds received from Bank not knowing what to do and how to go about setting up the mill and running. The Chairman invested with out thought on some projects outside the scope of the sanctioned project and being a politician as Chairman of the unit had spent almost all the money that must have been reserved for working capital. It was financially sick at this time I went away to work for some body else.I was here again.

My joining at such a crisis was to try to make the management understand their weakness and augment positively in all areas of management of the unit with out any self interest. Now this is what is going on.

I did what was to be done buy some where a meeting was held and what was the out come of the meeting I never knew. My work was uninterrupted and I carried on for three months, the mill was running fine.The contractor was with me and he co-operated all the time.

A gloom descended the market for the product which was a regular phenomenon where the financially strong could easily keep going with out bothering for stock pile up and sales going weak. Our contractor was afraid to invest in a parentless company as he kept his stock in his go down without a market and had to supply raw material. I was telling the contractor what he knew that he cannot stop production on account of seasonal changes which he knew but he being a merchant was hesitating for funding the mill for production. I had to tell the chairman.

People in business will always be looking for investment and keep knocking on all doors and when they catch somebody it may go on very well or otherwise. Some one did meet our chairman and said he will take half of our production if we manufacture his needs. He wanted cotton yarn chairman said.

It was bad day when the Chairman told me that he wants to bring another contractor and I should change my production Plan to keep only 50% of the production to the present contractor and 50% to another contractor.

I told him that the present contractor may be changed and new contractor may be given 100% production.

Chairman - Why are you suggesting that when your problem is only for excess production

It is not only production but it is his money he is paying for the entire production. If I accept what you say then more then a month my production will suffer and I will have to tell the present contractor our plan to sell 50% production to another contractor. Knowing him fully well,I feel then me that he will not supply the fiber for a month and he will tell me to use the material in process, when I will have to run out material in process and bring in the new contractors material. There will be a mix up of both the material and yarn may contain both contractors material and it will be rejected. If contractor you want to bring can supply the same material and take same production there won't be problem. If you can do that you can discuss with the contractor and go ahead. I will have no problem except to run the material on the machines which any technician can do.

Chairman said he will talk to the present contractor first and see what he says.

The real contractor is not here it is his son who is here and he does what I tell him to do after consulting his father so you may have to talk to his father, if I talk to his son he will ask me what to do and my suggestion if he accepts he has to ask his father is who is senior and it is his money we are getting from past 3 months I said..

Chairman told me the contractor 'son may be informed to meet him at his house at 11:00 AM tomorrow. I said I will tell him to meet you I said and came out depressed.

In the evening when we were coming back to hotel from mill I told contractor's that chairman wants him in the morning at his home at 11:00 AM. All these days the mill was running with both of us just watching production and running the mill with out his telling us anything or discussing about working of the mill with me. Now me asking him to meet the chairman he was taken by surprise. He asked why?. He will tell you and it is regarding you taking only 50% of production and we taking up the 50% production. He said do you mean you are taking the 50% production and sell it in open market. I said something like that. Hey I am nobody to take a decision I will tell him to talk to my father.