Thursday, July 12, 2018

[ Mill wont stop workers were happy.]

I returned to hotel and got out of the car and tried to pay the Taxi guy but he said it's already paid by my mill Sethji so it was a satisfactory deal and after taking my rest went to mill by bus as there was no car.I had told the Spinning Asst not to send any worker on lay off so around 15 men were waiting with 5 women.

The Men were 1to11 and 2.+ 2 women were sitting and cleaning spinning tubes. I told them to go to polyester room and I also went with them and I had to tell them what they need to do. with the superviser who was shift in charge came with as he was the shift supervisor. The worker were asked to clean the waste as I has instructed they started the job immediately and I spent nearly 3 hours to see how they were doing the work.THIS WAS OUR MATERIAL and so it was to be processed and sent to Yarn Contractor at his Office and bring 2 lorry load of polyester from yarn contractor This was done in the office around 6:0'clock I had. They were sitting in a circle and in the middle was the polyester soft waste, all All the workers were taking the waste by has and pocketing any hard woor, stone,metal parts or workers items of which ever kind must be removed and put it in their bags tied to their waist. 
I told the supervisor if they work well they may get the wages on pay day or it will be delayed unnecessarily.

The supervisor was told to clean only 40 kg of the material and convert it to yarn by 10:00 AM . I gave him the details of the process and told him to call me if there is a problem.
The Chairman never came to mill but was perhaps trying to arrange the money.

All the Workers had worked whole night and at 10:00 AM the Yarn Sample was ready.

At about 11:40 AM 2 lorry loads of Polyester Cotton waste had come from the contractor Workers were not knowing anything but thr news had gone to Chairman that I have made something with out informing the Chairman or Board.