WE ALL SEEK HAPPINESS AND SHUN and suffering, as human beings we are distinguished from others by our intelligent..etc, etc. If we allow it to be controlled by negative emotions like hatred, the consequences are disastrous, but if we use it positively, we can not only recognize our predicament but also train our minds and ways of thinking, which enables us to transform ourselves into better, happier people. the four Reminders, explained here, form the bedrock of Buddhist practice. They are intended to encourage us to make our lives meaningful, which we can do by developing a kind heart and sense of love, compassion, and respect for others. Khandro Rinpoche who has had the benefit, the author of this book, is a young Tibetan woman who has had the benefit of combining religious up bring-ing and training with modern education, which lends a refreshing contemporary clarity to her explanation.
Listen to - Khandro Rinpoche.
Listen to - Khandro Rinpoche.
His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama.
Dalai Lama is a title given to spiritual leaders of the Tibetan people.
Picture: Courtesy - Wikipedia.