Wednesday, January 07, 2009

[ Seventy Five.]

Yes I am entering my 75th year and my age is 27,011 days.

The Flowers that I hold are my Diamonds sent by my Son in law.

What has 27,011 days done to me.?

That Life is 80:20.

That 80% of Life is Glory.

That 20% of Life you are SORRY.

I mention only 80%.

All the glory that I wanted in my chosen profession.

A wife who adores and loves me.

Two children I am proud in all respects who listened to me and my wife.

Me and my wife now listening to our children in our remaining years.

There were many up's and few down's in LIFE though.

Many Friends and relatives now disabled for reasons best known to them.

I called a Spade a Spade and got in a mess few times though.

Now I have to call a Spade Sweetheart.It doesn't matter anyways.

If I had a Sweet tongue,perhaps it would have helped.

But those days are gone for help and now I need help.

Who helps but my Children for any and all things.

Who helps in daily life but my Wife.


" My Life and Wife ".


Time to start my BUCKET LIST perhaps.