Monday, February 13, 2023

[Mysore Mills, Bangalore also as, Maharaja Mills. ]

145, persons were staff at the time the picture was taken employed with Technical officers and Administrative staff besides also professional staff of people from HO mills of Bombay. My father standing in 4th row No.6 from -> Right side.S.Krishna Rao.who was not a qualified textile man but could tell all details of all machies so he was Mr.Mavin Kurve's pet Asst.GM was Mr.Nilekini father of Asdhar Card's fame Mr.Nandan Nilekini now CEO of Infosis,Bangalore.

Textile machines attracted me but it was difficult to get job.My mother wanted me to be a engineer. It was hard to get in to engineering colleges,there was only civil,mechanical and electrical courses at that time in 1950's.To get in to take any cousre except Civil Engineering was only to thouse who had 50% of their marks in PCM subjects (Physics,Chemistry and Maths). I had only 49% so my mother knew I would not get a seat. She asked her cousin what is my future when one evening when she took me to her cousins house. He said his future is if, he goes people will go behind him, he will spent lot of money but I cannot say from where he gets. Let him take TEXTILE ENGINEERIG.

Having seen my future my mother told me to join diploma in Engineering in Mech or Elect Engineering. Here also I was told that my percentage of Marks was not as per requirement and only in the Sri Krishna Rajendra Technological Institute, they gave me a seat as my father was also a Textile Technician.

The Boys of SKSJTI looked more dignified and dressed better than the boys of the next Institute and I was happy to have joined this textile institute only for textile technology.
There was syllabus in our course for electrical and machanical as well as 
Business Management and for practicals we were going to Govt Eng College opposite 
to our Institute.All the teaching staff were Professors.I so much enjoyed in 
the course that I was a 1st Rank student and elligable forpayment for fee 
for the next year. 

Even almost all students wewre surprised of my getting freeship for one year.
My parents were also happy and my mother gave me extra pocket money.
Three years at the SKSJTInstitute and sixmonths at a Hands on Experience in a 
ReputedTextile mills was needed to get my graduation certificate. Student who 
gets the MaximumMarks would get local Binny Mills and the 2nd student would 
get at Madurai Millsas GOVENAMENT of INDIA scalorship of Rs.100/-,under the
scheme of MINISTRY of Science & RESEARCH programme.

I did not get to the top slot as I scored ONE mark less than the guy who got to
the top.

I was selected for my mandatory training at the Madura Mills and my mother 
was heppy she gave Rs.300/- I took no time to inform my senier class mate 
that I will be coming and the were happy to give a slot a Bed in the house.
rented by them at Rs.30/-per month.Close to the Mills.

I joined the mills. We were 5 trainees from our institutes and there were 8
trainees recruted by the mills who were BSc graduates to be trained for any
vacancies that would come up for supervisors post in their group of 18 mills
spread all over Tamil Nadu & Kerala.

I had good training in this mills as a Japanese Dr.T.Hanada was engaged to
train of all the trainees in Maintenace,Process contral and Quality control
by Dr.T.Hanada who also trained us in Statistical Quality Control and all
other technique's by Statitical Data.
It was for just 6 months only and I was transfered to the Mills sister group
at Coimbatore. Dr.T.Hanada of Japan was on contract with the mills as 
Textiles Consultent and had suggested my name for Industrial Engineering
training in Textiles Mills and I had to work under Mr.G.Govindarajan a expertrt
in 'Industrial Engineering' who was doing a survey of the group 2 mills at

My service to textile Industry started as "Supervisor" of this Mills in the 
year 1959. I has to work in 3 shifts and in 2nd Shift from 3:00PM I was in
charge but the administration and Head of the Dep'ts left at 5:PM. I was the
man in charge of the whole Mills.

The very firstday of my 2nd shift I started going around the mills and found
there were no lights inside and ouside the workers 'Toilets' which I mentioned
in the "log book'. I did not know who were all seeing this book. The 'Mill
Manager'saw it and told the engineer to fix the lights.I was not knowing
there were many lights burning but it was switched on by the shift electrician
and lights were on few workers came to me fron near the toilet and told me
that I had done a good 'Job".
Continewed --- Next Post My Job as a Supervisor, in 'Spinning Department'